Is Your Massage Therapist Qualified?

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Is Your Massage Therapist Qualified?

When scheduling a massage do you give much thought as to who would be giving your massage and what qualifications they have? If you’re like most, probably not, but you should and here’s why.

Minnesota is still one of a few states that do not have a state-wide licensing board to oversee the licensing of massage therapists. Instead, the regulation is taken care of at a local level. Each city is different and decides how they will regulate the massage field. Some examples of these requirements may include minimum hours of training or completed program, written and hands on testing, as well as a back ground check and licensing fees.

What this means is that your massage therapist could have very little training depending on where you go – Yikes!

People think of massage therapy as “safe” and it generally is, but things can go wrong, especially if your massage therapist lacks the proper training.

The AMTA (American Massage Therapy Association) recommends looking for a massage therapist who has at least 500 hours of training from a reputable, accredited school.

The Sister Rosalind Difference

Massage therapy has a significant impact on a person’s health and well-being. Choosing a massage therapist who understands the proper techniques to keep you safe and improve your health, both mind and body is essential.

What this really means for you is that Sister Rosalind’s therapists have the training and experience to get directly to the core of your specific condition, thus improving your recovery time, working deeper to obtain superior relief or simply providing a higher level of relaxation.

Sister Rosalind works with highly trained therapists, who have committed on average, 700 to 1000 hours of training, not to mention the years of experience that most of our staff have! Each therapist is course certified, licensed per local city requirements and many of them are nationally certified.

We invite you to schedule a massage today and learn why so many choose Sister Rosalind’s massage and wellness center.