Improve Your Posture with Massage

Slouching Women Sitting At Desk

These days most of us spend major portions of our lives sitting at our desks. In fact, in a given week we’re at the office hunched over our desks on average of 48 hours.

This position creates misalignment in your spine.

Sitting with bad posture for an extended period of time can cause various health complications including:

    • Back Pain – When the spine is not properly aligned, your back muscles, ligaments & discs are under extra stress causing lower back pain.
    • Tension Headaches–Sitting hunched over at your job, tightens the muscles in your neck, upper back and shoulders causing muscle spasms which restricts blood flow to the back of your head., which can lead to tension headaches.
    • Fatigue– When you have poor posture, your muscles have to work extra hard just to hold you up, leaving you without energy.

Massage Helps Improve Posture

Massage can help get your body back on track. With ongoing massage treatments, tension for tight muscles can be released restoring proper movement within the body. Massage therapy is a powerful and natural way to improve posture. Schedule your appointment today!

Destress the Holidays with Essential Oils 

de-stress the holiday with essential oils

Gearing up and preparing for the holiday season can be stressful to say the least. If you find yourself lacking in the holiday spirit department essentials oils are a great way to help your body rest and relax.

Below are some of the most popular scents with stress relieving properties.


Lavender – Lavender oil increases your resilience to stress of all kinds, both mental and physical. It is also very effective for pain relief, anxiety and insomnia.


Mandarin – Mandarin oil is balancing, uplifting, calming and extremely gentle; its properties include being anti-septic, digestive and anti-depressant.


Frankincense – Frankincense oil has an uplifting and soothing effect on the mind. It helps you to breathe more slowly and deeply, so is terrific for calming and soothing the body and mind Sandalwood


Vanilla – Vanilla oil has a comforting scent that makes you feel right at home. It can help reduce stress, relieve headaches and stimulate mental clarity.


Peppermint – Peppermint oil is great for stimulating the mind. Additionally, many find it helpful for breathing and focusing. This scent is intense; a little goes a long way.

Essential oils have tremendous therapeutic properties. Sister Rosalind is an independent distributor of Young Living essential oils. Incorporate up to three different oils to your next massage to experience enhanced healing effects.